
How developer can import elementor pro templates

How developer can import elementor pro templates

1. Open your website login dashboard “https://yourwebsitename.com/manager”.
2. Enter the wordpress dashboard and click “Pages”.
3. In the “Pages” section their is a list of pages in your website; hover the name of the pages to import elementor pro template then, click “Edit with Elementor”.
4. To delete all your existing layout first, click delete icon second go at the bottom of the page then, click the 3rd icon “Add Template”.

5. Select a template you want to use in your website for more design simply search the keyword then, click “Insert” to proceed.

6. Click “Update” to save your new design.

How they can use premium addons

How they can use premium addons

1. Open your website login dashboard “https://yourwebsitename.com/manager”.
2. Enter the wordpress dashboard and click “Pages”.
3. In the “Pages” section their is a list of pages in your website; hover the name of the pages to import elementor pro template then, click “Edit with Elementor”.
4. Just drag and drop the widget you want to use after finish editing click “Update” to save.

How to update my email address under contact us page.

How to update my email address under contact us page.

To update your “Contact Us” email address. Go to “Pages” then “All Pages“, Select “Contact Us”, right click on “Edit with Elementor” and open a new tab..

See screenshots below:

Click on the pencil Icon on the top right corner to update the email.

Change the email address at the top left corner of the screen.

Don’t forget to hit “Update” at the bottom to save all your changes.

How do i edit the text on the homepage?

How do i edit the text on the homepage?

On your admin section, click o the “Pages” tab, on the left side of the page and click “All Pages“.

On ” Homepage ” right click “Edit with Elementor“.  and open a new tab.

Click on the small pencil icon on the top right corner of the message, then you will be able to edit the text displayed on the homepage through the paragraph box. This works just like a Microsoft word document.

You can change the font, font style, font size, insert image, add HTML etc.

Don’t forget to click on “Update” on the bottom of the page afterward once you’re done editing.

How to edit the menu bar

How to edit the menu bar

1. To edit and manage your “Menu Bar”, go to “Appearance” then “Menus”. See screenshot below:

2. You have an option to rename the “Tab Title”. Just click on the down arrow beside Elementor and change the “Navigation Label”. You can choose which pages to display on your Menu bar so just check your preferred pages and hit “Add to Menu”. See screenshot below:

3. To add other links to your website, click on “Custom Links” at the left panel area, enter the URL and choose a Title or Label then “Add to Menu”You can also drag the tab titles up and down. Don’t forget to hit “Save Menu” once you are done editing. See screenshot below:

How do I manually add a listing?

How do I manually add a listing?

1. To add your “Listings” manually, go to “Estatik”, click “My Listings” then “Add New”. See screenshot below:

2. Enter the “Title” and “Property Details or Description”. See screenshot below:

3. Type in the “Category”, “Status”, “Type”, and “Features” then click “Add”. You’ll find this at the right side panel of the page. Separate tags with commas. See screenshot below:

4. Scroll down and Enter all basic information, click on “Basic Facts”You also have an option to “Add a new field” (MLS number, Subdivision/Neighborhood, Garage/Parking, Listing Agent, etc.). See screenshot below:

5. Below basic facts, click on “Neighborhood” and enter the location or address. It will auto-populate and the Map will display if you entered the correct or an accurate address. See below:

6. To add property images or photos, click on “Media” just below Neighborhood then “Add Images” to upload. See screenshot below:

7. Don’t forget to hit “Publish” when you’re ready to post your listing on your website. All manually uploaded listings will automatically go to your “Properties” page. See screenshot below:

How do I update my contact information on the website?

How do I update my contact information on the website?

To update your contact information, go to “Settings” , click on “Shortcoder” then select the necessary item to update and click save.

See screenshots below:



How do I change my homepage background images

How do I change my homepage background images

Changing your “Homepage Background” can be done in several ways. You can choose to have a still image, a slideshow of images, or a video file.

From your backend dashboard, you can edit in 2 ways:

  • Do a right-click on the background image, then click on “Edit Section”.
  • Click the Edit Section icon on top of the image.

See screenshot below:

Once you see the “Edit Section” area on the left side panel, click or go to the “Style” tab. From there, you will see “Background” and have the option to upload your preferred images. Don’t forget to change the size to “Cover”. Once all images are uploaded, don’t forget to hit “Update” at the bottom to save all your changes.

See screenshot below: